Managing and tracking expenditures isn’t easy. Typically, it involves employees spending their own funds, keeping hold of receipts, filling in forms, and waiting weeks to receive the funds back. Thankfully, though, modern technology has a fantastic solution: employee business expense cards. Platforms like that of Wallester Business allow you to manage business spending so that…
How to Apply for a Virtual Card [Step-by-step Guide]
This detailed step-by-step guide will show you how to apply for a virtual card. If you wish to run Facebook or Google Ads or need a new card for your Google/Apple Pay accounts, you’re at the right place. The entire process requires less than 10 minutes (at best) and 0 credit score verifications or documentation. …
What Is Financial Management And How to Get Better at It
What is financial management? If you just started working, or have been working for some time, or feel you need better management of your money, you’re right where you should be. In this article, we will discuss what Financial management is, how to create a good financial plan, which mistakes to avoid during the plan…
The Best Financial Podcasts For Your Personal Development
Are you ready to take control of your money and learn some cool tips to make your life better? If so, we’ve got the right suggestions for you. Podcasts are an awesome way to learn new things, and there are some amazing ones out there that can help you understand money better and grow as…
The Role of Cryptocurrency in Personal Finance Management
Cryptocurrency and blockchain-based digital assets are now integral to the financial industry for many reasons. Since they rely on cryptography for security, digital assets are a trusted transaction method that offers safety through an immutable record of payments, which reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation. The sector has since evolved from Bitcoin’s inception in…