8 Benefits of Blogging for Students

Here is a list of benefits of blogging for students in 2024. I personally have been blogging since I was a student and that’s the experience this piece is based on.

Blogging, when done right, can change your life not just in terms of finances but also education.

The best part? If you follow this guide, you’ll not only learn the benefits but also how to create your own blog (almost) for free.

Even if you don’t have the time, skills or energy, I’ll do it for you, for free (keep reading).

Let’s see if Blogging is beneficial to you as a student then?

Why blogging still works for students?

Blogging may have become more common and saturated than it was 10 years ago, but that’s actually a good thing.

Because it’s now much easier to start a blog, everyone’s starting a blog. That has brought in a lot of average/mediocre blogs to the industry.

Hence, with just a tad bit extra efforts and quality, your blog can actually stand out. When you stand out, you’ll obviously be getting more traffic, backlinks, sponsorships and everything in between.

So, here’s how blogging is beneficial for students.

8 Benefits of Blogging for Students in 2024

So, here are top 8 benefits of being a student blogger.

1. Earn money

The #1 and probably most appealing benefit to most students is “earning money”. A blog can make you money in multiple ways, even when you’re sleeping.

This essentially means once monetized, you’ll be making money even when you’re studying, in an exam or maybe just sleeping.

Here are just some of the many ways a blog can make money:

  • Ad revenue: There are many ways you can get paid for ads. You may get paid to display banners on your website, or even to get X no. of clicks to a specific sponsor.
  • Sponsored posts: You get paid to write reviews or just mention sponsors on your website. Depending on your niche, you may get sponsorships from your local shopping malls, or multi-million dollar companies.
  • Affiliate links: You also get paid for selling someone else’s products. Simply market the product well-enough and you get a cut whenever you make a sale.
  • Sale your own products: You can also sell your own products such as e-books, software or anything else that you’ve made.

There are dozens of other ways you can make money on a blog.

2. Work from home/remotely

Being a student, it’s not practical for you to go to an “office”. That takes up a lot of time and energy.

If you’re a blogger, you can literally work from anywhere as long as you have a laptop. You can be at your home, school/college or even just on a coffee break.

3. Better writing skills

Blogging (referring exclusively to text blogging and not Vlogging) is a job that requires you to write, a lot. That improves your writing skills without you even knowing about it.

I say that because when you blog, you’ll probably use tools such as Grammarly or even just MS-Word.

These tools highlight and show you your errors. Hence, your brain identifies these errors and prevents you from making the same mistakes in the future.

4. Gain knowledge

Of course, you can only write about things if you know about things. This is why I advise students to generally make a blog about their subject/niche/industry.

This will help you earn money while also increasing your knowledge. You of course will have to study a lot before you can put your knowledge out to the public.

More importantly, the internet isn’t a pleasant place. If your information is half-baked or not correct, you will be called out for it. More importantly, your blog wouldn’t be successful with such incorrect information.

Hence, this ensures you’ll have to expand your knowledge if you wish to be a student blogger.

More importantly, when you build your blog, you’ll eventually learn about WordPress, backlinks, SEO and other things. These skills can be applied in literally any field and business these days giving you an edge over anyone who lacks said skills.

5. Awards/recognition/branding

When you build a blog, and a good blog, you get recognized. At the very least, you’re recognized in the industry as someone who knows what they’re doing.

More importantly, there are often contests and/or awards hosted for bloggers. With a good blog, you can win those contests/titles and display the badges/trophies on your blog.

These help you build even more creditability and that results in even more traffic/money/branding and so on.

6. Network

Porter Gale rightly said- “Your network is your net worth.” o

Networking is underestimated, yes, even today. When you build a blog, you’ll meet people who either wish to learn from you, or know more than you do.

In both the cases, you’re meeting people who are interested in the same things as you.

This helps you build a community, a network. There are dozens of ways this helps you out. For starters, you can create a group on Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else to help each other out.

A more hardcore approach is monetizing this network. You can sell your own products or market someone else’s products to this audience.

Finally, you never know what doors the right person or contact may open for you.

7. Experience and resume-building

If you have a blog, you can include it in your resume and other places. This tells your potential employers you’ve built something, something that most other applicants probably wouldn’t have.

In fact, if you’ve got a good blog, you can include stats/recognitions/awards and if they’re from the same field as the job you’re seeking, it clearly amounts to something, doesn’t it?

8. New opportunities.

You may start your blog with the sole intention of “sharing your knowledge”. However, oftentimes, a blog leads to many new opportunities.

You may stumble upon new product ideas, research ideas, forge new partnerships, identify a demand and create supply for it and so much more.

Point being, what starts out as a mere idea-sharing project may very easily turn into a lot more, potentially life-changing.

How to start a blog in 5 seconds  @Rs. 69/month!

You heard that right, you can get your blog set up in 5 seconds.

Simply shoot us a mail at newblog@updateland.in. We will create your blog and send you the login details without you having to lift a finger. And yes, this service is free. We wouldn’t charge you for the work done by us.

Or, you can obviously create the blog on your own.

Here’s a step-by-step, detailed guide with screenshots on how to start a blog.

And yes, the guide that I’ve linked to above uses one of the cheapest hosts in the industry. It costs just Rs. 69/month (about $0.50 cents) which should fit your pocket perfectly considering you’re a student.

Frequently asked questions about benefits of blogging for students

You’ve got questions (yes, I can read minds). Allow me to answer a few of them.

  1. Is it really possible to earn money via blogging in 2024?

I’ve been blogging for about 10 years now. Majority of my net worth has come in from blogs, yes, even in 2024.

  1. How long does a student need to start making money with a blog?

It’s no exact science. Depending on your niche/competition/work you put in/SEO changes, it may take anywhere between 4 months to 8 months. Realistically, I’ll advise you not to expect a single $ in revenue for the first 4 months.

  1. Can I build a blog for you for free?

Yes and no. I can build the blog free for you (depends on availability and other factors). I will not charge for the provided services or the time I put in. However, you can’t build a successful blog without a domain and good hosting. You must pay for those.

  1. What’s the minimum cost of starting a successful blog?

The two primary costs are the domain and the server. If you follow the links in this guide (or hire me to build your blog), the minimum amount you’ll pay is Rs. 69/month. That I believe is what most of you spend in a day any way.

  1. Do I need to be a tech-whiz to run a blog?

Absolutely not. Majority of your blogging will include writing, just like writing on MS-Word or any other similar platform. Even the SEO aspects, such as backlinking, content optimization, competition analysis do not require a lot of “technical knowledge”.

Final words:

That’s about it folks. I’m certain you now know why you should blog as a student, don’t you?

Do note that this isn’t an “ultimate list”. There still are dozens of other benefits you may reap as a blogger.

That said, let me tell you it’s not easy money. You won’t be a millionaire anytime soon and it does require quite a bit of effort.

However, when done right, it totally can have life-changing consequences, it sure did for me.

You’re still here? Go build your own blog or shoot me a mail at newblog@updateland.in and I’ll do it for you, free.